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10 Breathtaking Swimsuit Photos of Sixtine

"This year's SI Swimsuit issue saw the debut of self-described body neutrality influencer Sixtine."

The Fashion Enthusiast
10 Breathtaking Swimsuit Photos of  Sixtine

si swimsuit

Sixtine is focused on using her platform to convey her message and inspire others to accept their bodies the way they are regardless of shape or size after working in both the social media sector and the modeling profession.

“Our bodies are not there to look a certain way or be aesthetic, they’re there to provide for us and allow us to live our lives,” Sixtine told SI. “It allows me to swim, it allows me to travel, it allows me to come on all these adventures and do things. It allows me to live in New York City, where it’s a lot of walking and a lot of steps and a lot of like carrying your groceries all by yourself with just your hands.”

The complete 2023 gallery is available here.

I learned about body neutrality, or, to put it simply, I can enjoy the fact that my stretch marks exist because I am growing rather than focused on liking them. I don't stay little forever; I'm a growing person, Sixtine stated. "Or mothers with stretch marks—your body produced a whole human. That is absurd; of course, your body has expanded, as if that were logical. We might just notice that our bodies are there without having to adore them.

Sixtine believes that being able to represent herself positively to people and support the cause that is most important to her as a SI Swimsuit rookie.

Here are ten of our favorites from her Dominican Republic rookie photo session in 2023.

*all photos are from SI Swimsuit


Linda Maria Image - The Fashion Enthusiast

Linda Maria

Editor Total Stories: 163

Linda Mariya is a New Jersey-based writer and editor who is covering fashion, beauty, celebrity, and models. She is currently the Senior Editor at The Fashion Enthusiast

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