"“Magical 🥹,” Sampaio captioned the series of photos and videos she posted from the surreal day."
Portuguese model Sara Sampaio has had a hectic few months. She seems to be unable to stop moving for months, with fashion week obligations on both sides of the Atlantic and numerous other business visits around the country. It also helps that her commitments and travel destinations are about as amazing as they come, even if we're sure it gets exhausting.
The 32-year-old is now on a tour sponsored by the Leaders For Change conference, an organization dedicated to the conservation of the Galapagos Islands' ecosystem. Her journey has thus taken her back to the Galapagos Islands, an absolutely gorgeous tropical resort ideal for avoiding the fall weather and imagining it's summer once more.
Her journey has featured fancy dinners, walks across the island, and, perhaps most importantly, days by the water and encounters with the lovely fauna that inhabits the islands. The most recent adventure included snorkeling and swimming with a large pod of dolphins and seals while wearing a trendy little black string bikini.
“Magical 🥹,” Sampaio captioned the series of photos and videos she posted from the surreal day. As is typical of the Galapagos, the model had the chance to see and interact with a whole host of exotic and beautiful wildlife in the vibrant blue waters—and she certainly looked glamorous while doing so.