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New York Fashion Week is seeing a trend for NIPPLE-FORWARD Looks

"On the catwalk, we saw some very inventive pasties and nipple covers."

The Fashion Enthusiast
New York Fashion Week is seeing a trend for NIPPLE-FORWARD Looks

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On the catwalk, designers frequently let the nipple fly. Numerous models have been seen walking down the runway in bare chests or sheer clothing. However, the most recent New York Fashion Week collections go a step further by including inventive pasties and other barely-there breast covers in their creations. 

At Puppets and Puppets' Fall 2023 exhibit, some nipples featured egg yolks and resin roses, while others at Melke featured peach emojis. Cupped pasties provided the background for a banana-shaped gold corset and dark blue denim at Area's Spring 2023 runway show. Bronx and Banco chose an extravagant, bejeweled approach. These approaches to fashion are anything but minimal and provide a means of adorning and celebrating the breast. 

On the catwalk, exposed nipples might not have drawn any attention, but these styles can seem unrealistic or out of reach by the time they are available for purchase. We anticipate the upcoming fashion year to really stretch the boundaries of what consumers are comfortable in, thanks to this and the pantsless looks that are popular on New York City runways. 

Puppets and Puppets Fall 2023. Photo: Imaxtree

Puppets and Puppets Fall 2023. Photo: Imaxtree

Puppets and Puppets Fall 2023. Photo: Imaxtree

Melke Fall 2023. Photo: Courtesy of Melke

Melke Fall 2023. Photo: Courtesy of Melke

Area Spring 2023. Photo: Imaxtree

Area Spring 2023. Photo: Imaxtree

Kim Shui Fall 2023. Photo: Imaxtree

Bronx and Banco Fall 2023. Photo: Noam Galai/Getty Images

Bronx and Banco Fall 2023. Photo: Noam Galai/Getty Images

Bronx and Banco Fall 2023. Photo: Noam Galai/Getty Images


Linda Maria Image - The Fashion Enthusiast

Linda Maria

Editor Total Stories: 157

Linda Mariya is a New Jersey-based writer and editor who is covering fashion, beauty, celebrity, and models. She is currently the Senior Editor at The Fashion Enthusiast

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